October Sky is an anagram of Rocket Boys - try it!

October Sky is a movie about a coal miner's son who was inspired by the launch of Sputnik 1. A poor boy from no-where follows his dreams and eventually becomes a NASA engineer. October Sky is about the story of the Rocket Boys who began research about engineering and rockets somewhere in rural West Virginia. The film makers entitled the movie October Sky instead of Rocket Boys because when sputnik was first seen it was described as crossing the 'october sky.' The characters and the plot of the story have a parallel to the USSR's and the United States space race and the battle they had with each other to try to best the other country.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A look inside HIST

The book HIST by Kevin M. Schultz has a chapter dedicated to the understanding of the Cold War in America. A section of this is titled 'from arms race to space race." He introduces the section talking about the prospect of hydrogen bombs in multiple nations all over the world, and that bomb technology was growing everywhere. When the soviets tested their ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile), which could travel from one continent all the way to another, and then two months after that is when they launched Sputnik I into orbit.

After the launch of Sputnik, a sense of despair broke out across the United States. The satellite scared America into thinking that the Soviet Union was watching every single move the entire nation of America was making. Because of this America was no longer confident in their countries technological superiority which spurned the alarm of America's war planners. Three months later America launched Explorer I into orbit, sufficiently matching the Soviets Sputnik 3.

The Eisenhower administration came up with new science and education initiatives and created NASA (national aeronautics and space administration). The war between the Soviets and America raged on, each trying to best the other, which eventually ended up with America getting a moon landing. Long term benefits of this were huge but short term benefits only added to even more distrust between the two countries during the Cold War.

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